Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hitgirl Reborn?

Posted by Michelle on Thursday, March 17, 2011 2 Comments
Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking: I've been dead since December and I didn't make it into the new year. Well I'm not dead, well not really, although that's the only excuse I can think of for neglecting my blog. Although, I might as well be dying, what with all the fever, muscle soreness, headaches, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, pale skin and all the other lovely things the blessing called the flu brings with it. I've done nothing but eat, sleep, and catch up on episodes of "House" while sprawled across my bed. Well I did go to school once... slept in the carpark for 2 hours, went to a one hour class, had another 10 minute nap in the car then made my way home.

You guys should be proud of me, I'm on my death bed after all... That's worth something right?? I'm hyped up on so many meds I can't name them all. Looking back that was incredibly stupid: not only do I now have the appetite of a giraffe but the meds didn't work too well together and now I'm sporting an fashionable rash showing my allergic reaction to my medicinal cocktail. At least I'm getting better, I've got that tiger blood and dying is for losers, winning!

***Puffs Tissues with Lotion: FANTASTIC!!


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